Chisom Mefor: Finding a Balanced Career Path as a Young Adult

Over the years, I’ve come to understand that life has many aspects, and it’s crucial for young people to grasp how society evolves in the twenty-first century. Jobs that were prevalent in the 1970s are now scarce or even nonexistent. Selecting a career may seem simple, but remaining persistent, committed, and flexible can be exceedingly difficult.

Stop waiting

One of the most significant barriers is the trap of waiting. Whether you’re an undergraduate, a JAMBite anxiously waiting for the admission list, or a fresh graduate just out of university, we all tend to wait for extended periods of time for results to come. However, I will encourage you to stop waiting. 

Instead, focus on improving your skills in your area of expertise. Don’t hesitate to practise your skills and explore new opportunities. Many professionals regret not starting sooner. In my line of work, I often speak with professionals in various industries, and many of them express regret for not starting sooner and practising their skills while exploring new opportunities.

In today’s society, competition is fierce and things are changing quickly. Unemployment and poverty are common problems. While you wait for opportunities, others are taking action and improving their skills. You need to ask yourself, what sets you apart from your peers? It’s important to work hard, try different things through volunteering, and gain real-world experience. This will help you discover your true passion. An Igbo adage says, “Adi ano ofu ebe ekili mmuo” (A person does not stay in one place to watch a masquerade).

During a walk with a young woman, we discussed her career path. She shared that she chose to study law because of her friends’ influence. This made me realise that many young people select careers based on external factors, such as peer pressure and the need to fit in with their social group. Unfortunately, this often means they pursue courses or careers that don’t align with their true interests, passions, or strengths.

Finding the perfect career path is a unique and intricate process that differs from person to person. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Taking the time to reflect on your interests and strengths can be advantageous if you already have a clear idea of what you want to pursue. Conversely, experimenting with different career paths and exploring your options can be helpful if you’re uncertain about your direction.

In reality, a lot of people utilise a blend of both methods. They could begin with a notion of what they wish to pursue, but as they acquire knowledge and encounter various fields, they may come across fresh interests and paths that harmonise better with their abilities and interests. Similar to how individuals do not stay in one spot to observe a masquerade (a customary celebration or performance in Igbo culture), life requires individuals to be dynamic and actively participate in shaping their destinies.

Embrace radical change and diversity

In today’s world, it’s crucial to be flexible and adapt to changes if you want to succeed. Unlike our parents’ generation, staying with one company for a long time is no longer the norm. It’s unlikely that you’ll be working in the same government position for 35 years and only move up a few ranks before retiring. To thrive in today’s job market, you must be open to change and embrace new opportunities. Don’t be afraid to pursue a different career path even if it’s outside your field of study. Many people hold themselves back due to fear, but it’s important to be bold and welcome change.

There are some people who know their true identity and future aspirations early on in life, but if you are still searching for your purpose and interests, it’s important to keep in mind that passion can be developed and grown. Take the time to nurture and invest in your passions, and create opportunities for yourself to explore and discover what truly drives you.

When considering potential career paths, it’s important to not only consider your passions but also to take into account practicality. This means being aware of which industries are declining and which ones are projected to grow in popularity and the necessity to meet the demands of our changing society. By remaining open-minded and adaptable, you can discover a multitude of opportunities that align with both your interests and the practical requirements of the ever-evolving job market.

Be kind to yourself

As we navigate our careers and life choices, it’s important to remember to be kind to ourselves, especially when things don’t work out as planned. Imagine if I were your friend, feeling lost and unsure about my path in life, and came to your house on a Saturday evening for advice. How would you react? Would you belittle me and call me a failure? Would you compare me to others who seem to have it all together and say, “Why can’t you be more like them?” Of course not. So why do we often criticise ourselves so harshly? Let’s be kind and understanding towards ourselves, just as we would be to a friend in need. Fully dedicate yourself to achieving your goals without hesitation or uncertainty. Do not compare your progress to others who may have had an advantage or criticise yourself.



Feature image by Dreamstime 

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