Ndam Ponzing: How BellaNaija Weddings Has Become My Source of Inspiration

On Saturday mornings, one of my enduring habits is perusing the BellaNaija’s wedding section. Blame it on my childhood routine, this was synonymous with cartoons on Saturday mornings. I’d become so engrossed in them that either my mom would assign me chores before 8 a.m. or would have to wait until after 9 a.m. to witness any semblance of productivity from me. If she beat me, I do the task with the intent of failing at it except for when NEPA did the lord’s work and took electricity. Now that I think about it, that woman must have deliberately switched off the light from the fuse. I still abhor washing clothes on Saturday mornings. Talk about childhood trauma, and that’s certainly one of mine.

As I sit here reminiscing about my Saturday morning routine, it occurs to me that while some things have changed over the years, certain rituals remain a comforting constant. Life may have ushered me into adulthood with new interests and responsibilities, but there’s a unique charm in revisiting the past, even if it’s just for a few precious hours each week. It’s a reminder that no matter how busy life gets, we should always make space for the little things that bring us joy and remind us of simpler days – like reading BellaNaija Weddings.

One of the most persistent myths is that men don’t visit BellaNaija Weddings. Well, I know those who go there to catch glimpses of other people’s brides. I know those who are secretly hoping to spot one of their exes and see who they ended up with. Don’t worry, you’ll eventually find what you’re looking for, haha. As for me, I’m there to admire men’s suits and shoes, scrutinise the accessories and, most importantly, save the poses for when my turn comes. Trust me, I can’t strike a pose to save my life. Unlike some people whose very posture exudes confidence, mine renders me unsightly and fit only for the stereos. In a world obsessed with Instagram-worthy pictures and perfectly curated poses, I’m lucked out in that department.

If I had to guess, I’d say most guys are equally clueless about the art of posing. It may sound like self-consolation, but how many men do you know who recreate photos from bygone locations with their buddies? How many men truly enjoy having their pictures taken? I’m sentimental due to my circle of friends. The spectre of social anxiety from picture day in primary and secondary school, when I was forcibly seated in the front row due to our petite stature, continues to haunt me. I don’t have pictures with my classmates because I dodged every picture day.


BellaNaija Weddings has become more than just a website; it’s a vibrant global community. It’s a place where strangers come together to celebrate love, style, and the unspoken moments that define our human experience. It’s incredible how a digital platform can bridge gaps, evoke emotions, and spark conversations among people who may never meet in person. It’s a testament to the power of our shared experiences.

In a world where perfection is often portrayed on social media, BellaNaija Weddings reminds us that beauty lies in imperfection. It’s a place where real people with real lives share their moments of joy, unfiltered and unedited. It’s a celebration of authenticity and uniqueness, a refreshing break from the carefully curated posts that dominate our feeds. So, if you ever find yourself doubting your ability to strike that perfect pose or live up to society’s standards, remember that there’s beauty in being yourself.

The other reason I adopted my newfound tradition is the captivating stories that accompany the pictures. The editors deserve kudos for those narratives. The stories featured on BellaNaija often offer valuable life lessons. They teach us about resilience, the importance of taking risks in matters of the heart, and the beauty of second chances. Each love story is a reminder that love knows no boundaries, and it can bloom in unexpected places and times. As I scroll through those heartwarming narratives, I’m not just entertained but also learning, growing, and perhaps, even preparing myself for my own love story.

One of the core tenets of the BellaNaija brand is edutainment. Amidst all the glitz, glamour, and the allure of being featured on social pages, we often overlook the educational aspect. For me, learning how to wear a suit and match shoes and belts with finesse is something I gleaned from BellaNaija. I’ve even bookmarked poses for when my “God when” moments finally come to pass.

The digital age has given us the power to document our lives like never before, creating an even richer tapestry of memories to revisit in the years to come. BellaNaija Weddings isn’t just a place to admire suits and shoes; it’s a source of inspiration. Perhaps, one day, we’ll reminisce about scrolling through a holographic wedding section while sharing a cup of virtual coffee. 

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